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Chet Mancini

Engineer, philosopher, adventurer.



  • AuthorPop. A book review and rating site originally written in MeteorJS, now reimplementing in Clojure with Ring/Compojure and eventually React/Om.
  • Hiss. A scalable Python distributed messaging framework using a gossip algorithm with vector clocks for causal ordering, and built on top of Twisted.
  • Thebes. A Clojure system for data aggregation and analysis.
  • Storm-Hyperdex. Open source library for connecting the real time system Storm to the powerful next gen key value store, Hyperdex.
  • Convex-Hull. A final project to visualize convex-hull finding algorithms.
  • World’s End. A basic graphical game in C demonstrating skyboxes, animation, and 3D models.



  • The Fun of Connection: Building Abstractions in Data Systems (, 2015).
  • Technical Foundations of Vertica (Presented at Intent Media, Inc, 2013)
  • Convex Hull Finding Algorithms (Presented as academic research for an interview, 2012)


  • Award for Excellence in Computer Science (Wheaton College, 2012)
  • 12th place ACM Midwest Region Programming Competition, 2009
  • 1st Place ACCA Programming Competition, 2009


  • Member, Board of Trustees, Math, Engineering, and Science Academy, Brooklyn, NY, 2015
  • Video Game Programming with Scratch Math, Engineering, and Science Academy, Brooklyn, NY (2014)
  • Video Game Programming with Racket, Global Tech Prepratory School, New York, NY (2013)